Thursday, January 14, 2010

Off to jail for two days

After much waiting, I've finally been sentenced for my trespassing charges in connection with the 2008 Southeast Climate Convergence. Twenty people demonstrated at the information center for Dominion Power's North Anna nuclear facility and six of us were arrested for peacefully refusing to leave the property. Most everyone else got off with fines and community service, but being identified as the ring leader, the Virginia Commonwealth Attorney was hoping the jury would give me months in jail--even though the original sentence I was appealing was just two weeks.

But the jury was not interested in draconian punishments and seemed sympathetic. Instead of months, I got five days in jail and I'll serve two. It's a complicated math--you only serve half your sentence for misdemeanors and I'd already served a day when I was arrested. So it all starts today and I'll be free again on Saturday.

Lot's of people have asked how they can support me while I'm in jail--offers of demonstrating against my incarceration and informing the public of it being not uncommon. But, if you really want to support me, help push along the projects that are really important to me.
  • Go to read what we're up to and make comments, start discussions.
  • Go to and vote three times for Villages in the Sky by tomorrow--Friday the 15th
  • Check out the article published about my sentencing at and post comments
  • Or just leave a comment here
It turns out the revolution is an elaborate dialogue. Don't mourn, organize.


Michael Stuart said...

It seems ironic that a person like me could be one of the more "faithful" readers of your blog, doesn't it?

It's also ironic that after having worked in nuclear energy for 20 years and having many non-nuclear career opportunities, that I still believe that -- even with it's problems -- nuclear energy is still better than coal, oil, and natural gas.

You get arrested, serve "unjust" jail time, write letters and blogs, and travel all over for what you believe. I pour my efforts into my work, speak at schools, write letters and blog comments, and travel all over the world for what I believe too.

I guess there are ways in which we're not so different, but humanity has a nasty habit of labeling and categorization. In a world of bar codes and logos, there's not much room for the uncategorizable.

memeticist said...

@Michael. I dont find this ironic. I have a number of friends who think nuclear power is a good idea. And use similar techniques to spread that message (except for Civil Disobedience, which is unnecessary if you are winning the debate).

What Fukushima shows us is that the structural problems with the industry are so deep, that they cant be resolved without tremendous loss of property and life. And that the people who are happy to take this risk, are they highly paid nuclear technocrats - who are true believers, no matter how many accidents take palce.